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Hae paikkaan Survey and Analysis Coordinator to Quality Assurance team

1. Vart såg du först annonsen? *

  •   www.hhs.se
  •   Arbetsförmedlingen Platsbanken
  •   LinkedIn
  •   Facebook
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  •   Via vän/bekant/kollega
  •   Annat media - Vilket?

2. Please shortly describe your experience of similar tasks, such as such as course and program evaluations, collection of data, statistical analysis, and reporting of results *

3. What spiked your interest about this position and made you apply? *

4. Do you have an academic degree in relevant field? *

5. Do you have qualifications that we see as a plus? Please fill in below. *

6. Are you fluent in English? *

  •  Yes
  •  No
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