Center for Retailing

The Center for Retailing at Stockholm School of Economics invites applications for a fully funded, two-year post doc position in marketing, with a focus on retailing.

Job description

We are looking for a candidate with a PhD in Marketing to work in an ongoing project in collaboration with one of the partner companies of the Center for Retailing. The project focuses on the process of digital transformation of retail with particular attention to the (re)shaping of market relations, work-practices, and offers. The project is conducted in close collaboration with the partner company using participant observation, in-depth interviews and other qualitative methods. The candidate should thus have documented experience from conducting research using those methods.

In addition to research, the position includes 20% teaching in the Retail Management Program run at the Center for Retailing. The candidate is expected to take an active role in tutoring students and integrating companies in teaching.

The successful candidate will have the opportunity to engage in an innovative and exciting research project that offers high potential to get published in international peer reviewed journals. The candidate will also have the opportunity engage in industry collaborations in both teaching and research, tapping into the wide network of partner organizations of the Center for Retailing and the Stockholm School of Economics

A tentative starting date for the successful applicant is January 2021, but the School is open to discussing other dates as well.


The successful candidate should:

  • Have completed or be close to completing a Ph.D. in marketing. The applicant is expected to possess strong conceptual and analytical (qualitative methods) skills and have a commitment to research excellence.
  • Have documented experience from conducting theoretical and/or empirical research in the area of market and marketing dynamics.
  • Have documented command over relevant literatures for the project (market digitalization, platform markets, market shaping, constructivist market studies, geographies of marketization, service ecosystems).
  • Documented ability to conduct process-oriented research using one or more of the following methods:
         -Ethnographic methods (e.g. participant observation, shadowing, and other techniques)
         -Longitudinal case studies (e.g. combining document analysis, qualitative interviews, and observations)
  • Be completely fluent in English. Knowledge of Swedish is a merit and would be advantageous for the project.
  • Ability to manage time, resources, data, and details of multiple tasks are also required.
  • Experience of teaching marketing at bachelor and/or master levels is a merit.


About Center for Retailing

The Center for Retailing (CFR) at the Stockholm School of Economics sets out to strengthen the competitiveness of the Swedish retail industry through academic education and research. CFR’s vision is to be a top tier European retail center and to be recognized as a global benchmark for industry collaboration and thought leadership in retailing. This includes acting as a role model when it comes to integrating companies’ challenges into both education and research.


About the Department of Marketing and Strategy

The Department of Marketing and Strategy is one of 6 Departments of the Stockholm School of Economics. The department consists of 9 full professors, 7 associate professors, 5 assistant professors and lecturers and 26 PhD students. The department contributes to teaching in the bachelor, master, PhD, EMBA and executive education programs at SSE. The department also hosts about 35 research fellows (fully financed by external research grants).



Please direct any further questions about the nature of the position to:

Professor Sara Rosengren, Head of the Center for Retailing, +46 8 736 95 67,

Professor Hans Kjellberg, Head of the Department of Marketing and Strategy, +46 8 736 95 23,

For HR related questions: Kristin Ulvbäck, HR Business Partner,

Type of employment Temporary position
Contract type Full time
First day of employment January 1, 2021 (open for discussion)
Salary Monthly salary (Salaries are competitive, commensurate with qualifications and experience and are set individually)
Number of positions 1
Full-time equivalent 100 % (non-regulated working hours)
City Stockholm
County Stockholms län
Country Sweden
Reference number 2020/64
  • Sara Rosengren, +46 8 736 95 67,
  • Hans Kjellberg, +46 8 736 95 23,
Published 23.Sep.2020
Last application date 23.Oct.2020 11:59 PM CEST

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